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"Should Elections & Govt. Matter to Christians?"

Special Guest Michael Imhof (U.S. Navy Seal Commander RET.) answers the question, "should elections and government matter to Christians". All too often people are way too ignorant and passive towards political matters, go with the party that their parents and grandparents belonged to, or believe that God is going to just make everything happen the way it's supposed to go with no involvement. Michael Imhof PROVES in this message that change can only begin with action and involvement. Michael backs his message up with mounds of historical examples from the Bible where men of God confronted their Kings, spoke truth to power with stern conviction, warned them even if they hated what was said and had them thrown into shackles because of it. In other words, when this question comes up again, it will serve as the end of all arguments on that question.

Refined by Fire (I Peter 1:6-7)

Peter tells the persecuted church in I Peter 1:6-7, "6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.'" 

Pastor Troy Billow illustrates the meaning of these passages both from being a former goldsmith himself, and from his experience in walking with the Lord. Hardships and trials are strenuous and burdensome to go through, however since God cares more about our character than He does our comfort, He will use these things like a torch that will melt us down to refine us. God allows trials and hardships because He wants to prove your faith more real, genuine, and legitimate, so that it has the substance and the backbone to have an impact (in an encouraging way) to influence others.

A Living Hope (I Peter 1:3-5)

Pastor Troy Billow expounds on what it means to have a living hope. When Peter wrote his letter to the persecuted church in Asia Minor, he really wanted to encourage Christians about what Jesus Christ did for them. In doing that, Peter used important truths from the Old Testament to provide the background and show the fulfillment of what Christ did to reveal the depth, meaning, and seriousness of the components involved to infuse a hope that would encourage them to keep going strong. Today we have access to the same power Peter wrote about. We walk and live in a hope that is alive and real. New birth breathes life in spiritual hope. And to really understand the depth of this, we need to understand the Old Testament to understand (and fully appreciate) the New. In this understanding, we can realize why hope is such an important part of having a living faith.

Will The One True God .... (Romans 3:19-31)

Full Title: "Will The One True God Please Stand Up" (Romans 3:19-31)

Living Faith's own John Beechy (a leader in LFCC's "God's Warriors" ministry) shares his testimony of faith, brings a message on why and how the Christian faith distinctly stands out above all others, and discusses the message of salvation in lieu of God's righteousness and why we are in need of it, based on Romans chapter 3.

Biblical Motherhood

Living Faith's own Rob Thompson brings a special Mother's Day message on Biblical motherhood. As Godly mothers Lois and Eunice influenced Timothy in his upbringing, we see through scripture the privilege, importance, and blessing of having the love, influence, direction, and guidance of a godly mother. Also in this program, a special montage featuring the congregants of Living Faith Community Church with their mothers.

Living Faith Prayer & Praise Service

In celebration of the National Day of Prayer, Living Faith Church offers a special presentation reviewing six tenets of the faith, singing, and lifting each one up in prayer, for the church, the spreading of the Gospel, and for people to come to know Jesus in their hearts and in their lives.

We Believe! (Romans 12:9-21)

Throughout the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul takes 11 chapters to explain what it MEANS to believe. In chapters 12-16, Paul explains how we actually LIVE IT OUT. What makes this so deep and meaningful is that Paul is instructing how we should live out (put into action) what we believe in our hearts, in a world that is absolutely opposed to God and how He wants us to live. What does it mean to cling to what is good, or be devoted to on a another in love? Sometimes love calls us to go the extra mile, and challenges us to bless those who persecute (express intense hostility towards)? How can putting all of these things, and then some, be put into action, and how can it benefit us? In this message, Pastor Emeritus John Billow explains why it's so important to have such a meaningful faith and to live out that faith in action.

Jesus: Victor Over Death & the Grave (Lk 24:1-12)

In this special Easter message, Pastor Troy Billow talks about the significance of the resurrection, but also presents a challenge which begs the question; what do you believe? All throughout human history, all of the prophets, all of the law, all of the apostles, and all of the witnesses talked about Jesus Christ coming to save Adam and the entire human race from death, hell, and the grave. It was a reality that was foretold, fulfilled, and has been remembered and expounded on since, with help from the Holy Spirit. It was an event that happened for you to give you power over sin and death, and be restored spiritually. Yet this reality is dismissed by many who in turn believe in a lot of ridiculous and far-fetched theories, and this prevents them from experiencing the power that Christ, who rose from the dead, offers to anyone who lets Him in to their heart and life. God is looking for champions who are empowered by the resurrection, building and advancing His Kingdom, and have a desire to know and make known the truth of His love, ability to overcome tremendous worldly obstacles, and makes you a new person.

Living Faith Tenebrae Service MMXXII

Living Faith Community Church presents a special Tenebrae service honoring the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died so that we may live (2 Corinthians 5:15). This special presentation features edited, select scenes from the film "The Passion of the Christ" and is blended with the sweet and solemn songs of Living Faith's music group "As One", taking the mood of the events of that day to a new and even more dynamic level. 

Note: Due to restrictions on YouTube, a couple of alternative media hosts were chosen to present this program to you. To access this special presentation, please click  HERE. Odysee is available on Roku (named "Odyssey Unofficial"), Google Play, and on the regular website. If you happen to have playback issues on that video hosting site, another video hosting option has been provided and is available HERE. Thank you, and God bless!

King of Spiritual Peace (Luke 19:28-48)

When one realizes the meaning behind Palm Sunday, it really makes one think; what are our expectations of Jesus? A week before Jesus was crucified, many people in Jerusalem welcomed Him on a donkey, laid out their cloaks on the road, and waved palm branches in celebration of the promised King who was to sit on David's throne and rule and reign in Israel. The only problem is that God was establishing another plan that was needed before the bigger promise was to happen, and no one could see it past their expectations in the here and now. You see, the people of Israel wanted deliverance from the oppressive presence, control, and pressures from the Roman Empire. They thought Jesus was sent to accomplish this, but at this time, another Kingdom dynamic was in the works and it involved the setup of a spiritual kingdom before it could manifest itself in a physical Kingdom that is soon to come. But in the meantime, this spiritual Kingdom consists of allowing God to take over one's heart before He returns to rule on earth with a rod of iron. Pastor Troy Billow explains this in this special, Palm Sunday message.
