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Your Testimonies Are.....

Title: Your Testimonies Are My Counselors  (Part 3) (Psalm 119:17-24)

The world today is loaded with anxiety, and so many people struggle with it. With all that we have as a human race, we are weak and pitiful. What's interesting about this, is that in the first century, the environment, the culture, and the living conditions were far worse, but Jesus stabilized those who trusted in Him. In fact to Jesus, the Word of God is more important than food, as he effectively demonstrated when he was tremendously stressed (Matthew ch. 4). As Paul endured an abundance of hardship (far above anything we call hardship today), he prays that the people will be given the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, and revelation (Ephesians 1:17-18). What does all this mean for you? These examples stress a call, a call for you not to miss your "counseling session" (i.e. your time alone with God and His word). If you don't attend your counseling session, you get messed up quick. You become unkind, unforgiving, miserable, grumpy, and seeking of sin to satisfy you. In other words, when you ignore the Holy Spirit who helps stabilize you when you apply your counsel, the world is gonna get you because the world breeds and incubates anxiety, fear, misery, despair, etc.

Let Me Not Wander... (Psalm 119:9-16)

Title: Let Me Not Wander From Your Commandments (Part 2) (Psalm 119:9-16)

Why did God consider David to be a man after His own heart? The answer; David was vulnerable, he understood his weakness, and he was desperate. That is the greatest place to be in your relationship with God; desperate. When you are desperate, you are in a state where you are most humble, most teachable, and most serious about doing what needs to be done to overcome trials, adversities, obstacles, temptations, and in turn seek help from God. How do we walk humbly with God? According to His counsel and according to His word, which is God's voice on pages. That said, when you take His word seriously, God's work will cultivate its fruit in your heart, build you up, and get you through. The more you do this, the more you will overcome matters that ail you and grow in maturity, which will change how you act when other challenges come at you.

Blessed are Those Who... (Psalm 119:1-8)

Title: Blessed are Those Who Walk in the Law of the Lord (Psalm 119:1-8) -Part 1

God's word is a healing power. It keeps your mind and soul clear. God's voice is embedded in His words for us today through scripture. If we read it, memorize it, recall it, and keep His testimonies, we will not only be blessed and walk in uprightness of heart, but we will also prevent the scum of the world (with all its evil, error, corruption, insanity, and perverse influence) from getting on us and to us.

If It Dies, It Produces Much Grain (John 12:20-26)

In this message, Pastor Troy Billow explains what it means to consider the cost and truly follow Jesus. It is not an easy task, as it is a calling that requires that one let his/her life and agenda go, invest in eternity, and make one available in service to others. Pastor Troy recalls his personal experience with this dynamic in his calling to be a preacher, and what we can learn what Jesus means when He says that those who hate their life in this world will find it in eternity.

The Power of Words (John 4:39-42)

In the last of our series on "Jesus style evangelism" Pastor Troy Billow explains the power behind the words that enables people to think and make a decision for Christ. When the woman at the well told people what Jesus did for her, they believed her. Why? Because she had the boldness, passion, and enthusiasm to do what Jesus told her to do. Because she believed Him, her heart, attitude, and demeanor changed, and the spirit that worked on changing her was at work in changing the hearts, attitudes, and demeanors of the people she told in obedience to Christ. One day, we will stand before the Lord and we will be held accountable to Him..That said, we have an assignment, an assignment to talk, to go tell everyone what God has done in us. And oh, what an important calling that is (Mark 16:15).

My Food is tp Do God's Will (John 4:27-38)

Jesus viewed His encounter with the woman at the well as an assignment, a rescue mission. That said, He made an effort to talk to her, met her where she was, addressed her concerns, and in so doing, got to the point. At first, she was resistant, sarcastic, and wanted to be left alone. When Jesus spoke to her, He told her things she didn't like to hear, but she needed to hear it. The truth melted down her hardened disposition and softened her heart to receive the truth. Once received, she responded with a sense of peace that she didn't have before, joy in that her life has been changed and made new, and that compels her to tell people what Jesus did for her, which is what He asked her to do. She then goes and witnesses, happy that the things that made her hard-hearted and dejected are now gone because the prophesied Christ, who came to meet her where she was, has come to make all things new. That said, Jesus has such an impression on people that many respond by being His hands, feet, and mouth to a lost world, motivated by the peace, joy, and purpose that God has instilled in them. Join us as we explore more of what this means for us today.

Reaching the Broken Hearted

Title: Reaching the Broken Hearted: The Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-26)

Our series on "Jesus style evangelism" continues with Jesus reaching the broken hearted as he encounters the Samaritan woman drawing water from the well. In the culture at that time, Jews and Samaritans despised each other since the nation of Israel split into two Kingdoms (around 975 B.C., after the death of King Solomon and during the reign of his son, Rehoboam), which means that the rift between both descendants of Jacob ran very deep. When the Samaritan woman draws water from the well, Jesus asks her from a drink, and in his approach, tries to undo her hard hearted disposition towards him. Jesus sees her, speaks to her, spends time with her, and gets to the point. In his encounter with her, Jesus reveals that He is the promised Messiah, and that He didn't come to earth to scold and condemn people, but that He came to heal and to mend. If you're feeling broken hearted, despised, and rejected then this message is for you.

Reaching the Religious: Nicodemus (John 3:1-18)

Continuing our series on "Jesus style evangelism", we look at how Jesus reached out to the religious, and in this particular case, religious leadership. These people were well-educated, knew the Law of Moses, and were leaders of the people. The thing about Nicodemus, who was a Pharisee, was that he was SPIRITUALLY INTERESTED, and when Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of God, He had an interest to delve into this concept deeper, as Jesus was claiming ownership to the status of Messiah to the Jews. Jesus sees the NEED and the INTEREST, and goes for it. Jesus also paints a clear distinction between religiosity and being born again. Join us as Pastor Troy explains how Jesus reached out to the religious in His day, and what we can learn from that encounter when we experience religious people who may know all sorts of facts and information about the Lord, but do not personally know Him in their hearts.

Israel: Past, Present, & Future (ROI Ministries)

Title: Israel: Past, Present, & Future (by Rock of Israel Ministries)

This week our guest speaker is from Rock of Israel Ministries, a Messianic Jewish Ministry that acknowledges Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah to the Jewish people. In this presentation, our guest speaker reveals and explains a number of deep spiritual meanings incorporated into the Old Testament customs, objects, laws, and behaviors in Jewish life. Our special guest speaker also speaks on the significance of the re-emergence of Israel in these end times, and what was at work in making that happen. And that's not all. There is so much more to see, hear, and discover as Rock of Israel Ministries opens your eyes to a whole new world and a unique perspective from a Jewish standpoint.


Approaching the Worldly: Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)

In a series on "Jesus Style Evengelism'" we look at how Jesus approached different personality types. In this message, we see how Jesus approached the worldly, materialistic, and wealthy by how he acted towards Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector who collected money for the Romans, and was VERY rich because of it. Zacchaeus was not well-liked among his fellow Jews because he collected taxes from them for the Roman Empire, an empire whom they despised and were under the control of. Jesus was very popular with people. He goes to places where people are and people want to see him. Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus too, and so, being a short man, he climbed a sycamore tree to make that happen. Jesus took notice of Zacchaeus and what he did, and decided to talk to the person everyone hates. Jesus told him to come down, offered an invitation to meet him for a meal, and committed to make time for him. What can we learn from that today when we are following Christ's example in reaching a lost, fallen, and broken world? Pastor Troy will share some nuggets of wisdom to make what Jesus did applicable today.
