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Jeremiah Session 35 (Chapter 52)

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The final chapter of the Book of Jeremiah expounds on in further detail, a moment that secular history ignores, but is covered in Israel's history a total of (counting this chapter) four times, making it a detail that is important to acknowledge, considering its repetition. Whenever anything is repeated in the Bible, it is to emphasize the importance of a theme or event. This chapter revisits the moment where King Zedekiah was confronted by King Nebuchadnezzar, who murdered his sons in front of him, gouged out his eyes, and took him prisoner in Babylon till the day he died. This event would be recorded in 2 Chronicles 36:11-19, 2 Kings 24:18-25:30, and Jeremiah chapter 39. This assembly of facts was to show the sober reality of Jeremiah's warnings and prophecy to King Zedekiah (warned about in Jeremiah chapter 32) would be fulfilled and that fulfillment would ultimately obliterate anything, and everything said by the false prophets at that time. Also, chapter 52 gives further details regarding Nebuzaradan, who was the captain of the guard of Babylon's military. Such details, when taken into account, reveal God's power and hand in the details of history. And finally, in this Bible Study, our panel discusses key takeaways and life changing truths that they learned in thoroughly studying the Book of Jeremiah. 

Jeremiah Session 34 (Chapter 51)

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In chapter 51 of the Book of Jeremiah, Babylon has not only become an object of God's judgment (as was described in chapter 50), but it has also become a target marked for complete desolation. There is much to learn about God's sovereignty, the hearts of Kings and rulers, and how their actions can bring about complete and total ruin, or healing to their nation, as described in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Also, the placement of this chapter reveals a twist in how prophecy and history become interchangeable in its chronology, especially as God ordains it. What does this mean for us today? Find out as we explore a number of dynamics relating to prophecy, sovereignty - as nations are ruled by men, God's transcendent sovereignty over the nations and men who rule them, and history as it plays it all out, as we examine the second consecutive chapter on Babylon's ultimate devastation, albeit through the means of God's retribution. This cataclysmic event would in turn, usher in the rise of the Medo-Persian empire, which became the dominant world empire of its day, following the fall of Babylon. 

Jeremiah Session 33 (Chapter 50)

Please click on the link below to access the podcast directly: Session 33 %28Chapter 50%29.mp3 

The very empire that God uses as a tool for judgment on the nations that went against Jerusalem has now become an object of God's judgment itself. God used the Babylonian empire to go after a number of nations' pride, wealth, self-sufficiency, security, worship of idols, and other offenses to God's order, laws, nature, and people. Now it is Babylon's turn to be punished for doing the very same things that the nations they crushed did, though the catalyst was going against Jerusalem, the place where God has put His Name (2 Chronicles 33:7). How does God humble a prideful ruler? How to rulers blinded by pride affect the very nations that they govern? How does this play out today? Find out answers to these and much more as we discover the dynamics concerning King Nebuchadnezzar and the ultimate fate of the Babylonian empire. 

Jeremiah Session 32 (Chapter 49)

Please click on the link below to access the podcast directly: Session 32 %28Chapter 49%29.mp3

In chapter 49 of the book of Jeremiah, God's string of judgments on the nations continues with the Babylonian invasions of Ammon, Edom, Damascus, Kedor, Hazor, and Elam. All of these nations, which are also allies of Egypt, trust in their treasures, their own wisdom, their pride, and might. In lieu of these invasions, God is bringing an end to their self-sufficiency, their sense of security, and making them aware of Him. How do all of the attributes that affected these nations in the 7th century B.C. adversely affect us once again in the 21st century A.D.? Join us as we look into this question and much more. 

Jeremiah Session 31 (Chapter 48)

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In chapter 48 of the book of Jeremiah, God's string of judgments on the nations now zeroes in on Moab, which was recognized by King David (Psalm 60:8) and prophets like Isaiah (Isaiah chapters 15 - 16) as a prominent enemy of Israel. Moab was known for its pride, and its reputation for wine making. Moab trusted in a false god and in its material wealth. Here, God "hits them where it hurts the most", their pride, bringing them down low, and going after what they depend on the most, resulting in total plunder. How are the things that brought down Moab so prevalent once again in our world, our politics, and our culture? Find out in this podcast. 

Jeremiah Session 30 (Chapter 46 & 47)

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In chapter 46, we see that God will not allow rebellion to go unattended and unpunished forever.  Since the Remnant has fled to Egypt, God is sending His judgment there. So, what they think they're running away from in Judah and Jerusalem, they are about to experience again in Egypt. On top of that, as God's judgment follows the remnant, He also executes His vengeance on Egypt, repaying them for what they did against Israel, and what Pharoah Neco did to King Josiah in Carchemish. It is in Carchemish that the Pharoah of Egypt and His army will fall to Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian army. In chapter 47, we see God's judgment shift, as it not only handily defeats Egypt, but it goes after Egypt's allies, who God took issue with for its sins against Israel. In this chapter we see God repaying Philistia, a nation whose people had been enemies of Israel for a long time. Philistia was defeated by the Egyptians, but now it will be destroyed under the Babylonians. 

Jeremiah Session 29 (Chapter 43 - 45)

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Events down spiral as lack of faith, trust, and the rise of anger clouds a nation's judgment. In chapter 43, Johanan the High Priest of the Temple, and leader of the remnant, along with others, accuse Jeremiah of speaking falsely, disregarding his message from God, so they seek refuge in Egypt, taking Jeremiah and his friend and scribe Baruch with them. As a result, God reveals to Jeremiah that He will send Nebuchadnezzar to strike the land of Egypt hard. In chapter 44, we learn that the people of Judah have not been humbled and that God will set his face against them for catastrophe. The deluded hearts of the people leads them to believe that since they stopped sacrificing to "The Queen of Heaven", all hell broke loose, so they try to reinstate their sacrifices to "her", making their spiritual perversity anger God even more. In chapter 45, God sends a message to Baruch, revealing matters about the land and people, but also encouraging him (as he is disheartened), and preparing him so that he can be saved from what is coming next. 
