Giving is an act that many people feel tremendous discomfort towards. Many times people give because they feel pressured into doing it, however giving reveals in measure, what's in one's heart. Whether it is time, money, resources, or what have you, giving is an external investment because it is NEEDED. This message will change your perspective on giving in a fresh and dynamic way, and what the Lord wants from you to serve your purpose and grow His Kingdom on earth.
The Word of God should be a staple in your life. It is your way out of trouble. It is your way through trials, challenges, and tribulations. It is your way to/for a transformative change that will prove its benefits for the better. You would do well to heed to it. What's fascinating about the Word of God is that the power that comes from God's word is far above and beyond any fable man could ever hope to devise. The Word came from God and was assigned to men to write for various reasons, meaning that man was an instrument, not a contriver of fables, as is laid out in this message by Pastor Troy Billow.
In 2024, LFCC's Kingdom Warriors Ministry hosted their annual "Moment of Truth" event. This is a special seminar with two special guest speakers, speaking on the theme of Transformational Truth. What power does the truth unlock when you are trusting in the truth that God lays out for you? Our second guest speaker, evangelist Jay Peters, speaks on the essential need to awaken God’s people. In ancient times, wicked Kings ruled and dominated longer than the righteous ones. During the reign of King Ahab, God rose up a righteous man by the name of Elijah to speak righteousness against the current of wickedness, idolatry and its detestable practices, and awaken God’s people. That did not come easy. In this message, Jay Peters makes the parallel between Elijah, Jesus Christ, and the task that every true believer has in taking on and confronting the wicked culture of our current day. And in this confrontation, transformation by the truth of God’s Word, and the power of the Holy Spirit, will begin to take shape and have a growing impact in your life and in our culture.
What you think of God's Word will return to you in your life. How you regard the Word of God will reveal a lot about you. You have to make God's Word a priority in your life SOME HOW, SOME WAY. You won't be motivated for service if you do not spend time with the Lord. You will be a mess. When you're a mess, you are not living in righteousness. Righteousness helps you be a blessing because you become more like Jesus, and that impacts people. The Word of God equips you for Kingdom Service, and that bears significant benefits, both externally and internally as well.
Lucifer was well known to be the "bright angel of Heaven", After he fell, he would be referred to as Satan and he would be as bold as to confront God before the throne (referred to in the book of Job). Here, When Christ came on earth to do complete the mission that the Father gave him, Satan confronted Jesus in the wilderness to tempt Him. Satan was allowed to tempt Jesus just as he is allowed to tempt believers today. Why? In those trials both character and faith are established, grown, and strengthened. And yet, Jesus's answer to Satan was God's Word, as He demonstrates. How does this work? In this message, Pastor Troy Billow will explain Satan's playbook in exploiting our vulnerabilities as human beings when he attacks human beings, and how relying on God's Word becomes the most effective defense.
After decades of experiencing darkness, wickedness, and waywardness in Israel, due to the Word of God being purged by wicked rulers, King Josiah, a King seeking to restore the faith of His ancestor David, is confronted by his Secretary of State with a hidden copy of the Word of God. Upon reading it, King Josiah tore his clothes. In other words, it moved him and it impacted him. God notices when you are impacted by His Word. God has big plans for you, however you have to be humble, have a tender heart, be open, listen, and obey to see those plans through, and that is what King Josiah did to turn the tide of Israel for a generation, and out of that generation, prophets like Jeremiah were influenced by that culture and answered the call to a purpose much larger than him. This message will help you see what it means to recover the Word of God in your life, and open your heart enough to become teachable, learn, and do what God wills for the sake of being an influence for the better in this world, and for you as well.
In 2024, LFCC's Kingdom Warriors Ministry hosted their annual "Moment of Truth" event. This is a special seminar with two special guest speakers, speaking on the theme of Transformational Truth. What power does the truth unlock when you are trusting in the truth that God lays out for you? Our first guest speaker, Pastor Joel Gilbert, spoke on the subject of transformational prayer and the importance of humility on our part and righteousness on God's part. How do you approach God's throne and get Him to hear you? Prayer changes things, and transformational prayer requires very serious focus and serious consideration of where our hearts are. Find out how prayer can change things, when you get right with, and align yourself with God's will.
Today's message reflects a period of history where people became disconnected from God. Josiah was a King of Israel whose father and grandfather were some of the most wicked kings to rule Israel. Josiah was unlike his father and grandfather, and admired the faith and zeal of his forefather David. Josiah's grandfather Manasseh destroyed every copy of God's word in the land of Israel, but one was tucked away and hidden from him. When that copy was found by Shaphan, Josiah's "Secretary of State". When Shaphan brought it to King Josiah, he read it to the King and the King was so convicted that he tore his clothes in grief. The point of the story is to remember what God has done for you. Jesus was fed by, lived by, depended on the Word of His Father for survival (physical, spiritual, psychological etc.) and it was all He needed. God's word should have the power now on you today that it had on Josiah then. (2 Timothy 3:14-16)
In the first of a new series on how and why it is important to turn or return to the Word of God, Pastor Troy Billow opens it up by illustrating the history of what occurred after the Exodus of Egypt to the children of Israel after God freed them. The reality is that after the children of Israel were freed from Egypt, they could not get Egypt (and their ways) out of their blood. As they were entering a world of new experiences, the children of Israel were discontented, complaining, and getting more fond of the very place that they were freed from. That said, the more they drifted away from the Word of God and forgetting what He had done for them, they turned within themselves, and in turn became self-consumed from the emptiness within. That said, at times God left people to their own devices, and they were found wanting and unhappy. When they turned to God and saw Him deliver, matters would turn around. The bottom line is; what God thinks and feels, He wants you to think and feel. When God's Words comes to your heart, as a believer, you begin to love them and want to keep them, and it will be well with you if you do this.
Here we are coming to the end of John's first letter to the believers in Asia Minor. The concepts John concludes with a reminder that this world is controlled by the evil one, and he will do everything in his power to get you to fall into wrongdoing. So what is the antidote to such offenses? Do what Jesus did. Use the Word of God to engage him, and change direction. In that effort, John stresses that as a believer, do not allow yourself to become slave to what you were freed from when you came to Christ. Such is the calling today, and in America its ever the more challenging because the culture and environment champions, promotes, and encourages vices and behaviors that God exclusively condemns. This message is a great "calibrator" for all of those struggling with sin, and puts into focus, as we begin a new year, a new priority of which to launch a new beginning.