Youth Ministry

Our Youth Ministry is one set with purpose, vision, and building a young person's potential. After all, today's youth will soon be tomorrow's leaders. That is why we here at Living Faith Community Church find it essential to teach, challenge, assign purpose to, and encourage kids/youth to grow into the leadership potential God has planned for them. 

One of the ways LFCC's Youth Ministry builds the leaders of tomorrow is by teaching, nurturing, and building up young people in righteousness. As we find all too often today, unfortunately, is that too many of our youth lack the proper attention, education, and skill-building necessities needed to establish responsibility and take the necessary disciplines needed to make our youth strong, smart, and dignified. 

We here at LFCC believe that one way to establish a purposeful path for a young person is to have a sense of community, a bond between each kid/young person. As friendships are built and encouraged, kids/youth build social skills needed for meaningful teamwork, brainstorming, tackling projects together, and completing an objective, offering the child a sense of accomplishment and pride in their work. As the kids/youth do these things, they grow to become friends, hang out together, and find solace in playing games with each other. 

LFCC has a lot of talent in their Youth Leadership. Most of our leaders have built their careers in supervising, managing, and maintaining kids and youth professionally. That said, what our leaders apply in their professional lives, ends up directly influencing and applying to the youth of LFCC. 

Teaching is a form of ministry, and teaching them the vitality of the Gospel message, and the spiritual components that they will need to be effective people in the future rests on a Christ-centered foundation. After all, Jesus Christ, the ultimate builder of all great leaders, made it an essential to use kids/youth as a model for faith and encourage them, with great importance, to be important leaders in the Kingdom of God (Matthew 19:14).

