Title: He Who Formerly Persecuted Us Now Preaches (Galatians 1:18-24)
As a believer have you truly been changed? That an underlying question which serves as a critical basis for the authenticity of your faith. What does that mean? After Paul, once Saul, the former chief Jewish persecuted of Christians, encountered the risen Christ on the road to Damascus, He changed, and tried to re-evaluate the Old Testament in regards to Jesus Christ. So he sought Peter and stayed with him for 15 days to get his firsthand experience with Christ, and find out more of who Jesus was and what He was like. After all, Christ met Paul with authority, and the disciples experienced the wise and loving side of him, and spent more time with Him. Also look at Jesus's family. His family was like everyone else until after the resurrection. Today, we have the Word of God and the power of Christ which works in us if we simply spend time with Him and His Word. Many of today's "Christians" don't see the reality of God. Why is that? Because they fail to spend time with Him and be in His Word. When you care about your relationship with God, what He does in you and through you begins a track record of experience, experience you can depend and rely on.