Paul's final work was his second letter to Timothy, his young protege that he was working to mold into an effective minister. Here in this letter, Paul links ministry in with being a soldier with a critical mission; to work for the Commanding Officer, Jesus Christ. Jesus calls people who are perplexing and unpredictable in their time, but rise to an unprecedented potential that is powerful and effective later on. Paul exhorts Timothy to join him in suffering like a good soldier for Christ, not to get entangled with the affairs of this life (like his former protege Demas did (2 Timothy 4:10), obey your commanding officer, and find reliable men who will join you in the greater effort, by doing the hard work. As Paul called Timothy to this important work, Pastor Troy Billow uses Father's Day to enable and embolden the men of the church to keep this very dynamic at the forefront.