2 Kings 22:14-20
After decades of experiencing darkness, wickedness, and waywardness in Israel, due to the Word of God being purged by wicked rulers, King Josiah, a King seeking to restore the faith of His ancestor David, is confronted by his Secretary of State with a hidden copy of the Word of God. Upon reading it, King Josiah tore his clothes. In other words, it moved him and it impacted him. God notices when you are impacted by His Word. God has big plans for you, however you have to be humble, have a tender heart, be open, listen, and obey to see those plans through, and that is what King Josiah did to turn the tide of Israel for a generation, and out of that generation, prophets like Jeremiah were influenced by that culture and answered the call to a purpose much larger than him. This message will help you see what it means to recover the Word of God in your life, and open your heart enough to become teachable, learn, and do what God wills for the sake of being an influence for the better in this world, and for you as well.