Today's message reflects a period of history where people became disconnected from God. Josiah was a King of Israel whose father and grandfather were some of the most wicked kings to rule Israel. Josiah was unlike his father and grandfather, and admired the faith and zeal of his forefather David. Josiah's grandfather Manasseh destroyed every copy of God's word in the land of Israel, but one was tucked away and hidden from him. When that copy was found by Shaphan, Josiah's "Secretary of State". When Shaphan brought it to King Josiah, he read it to the King and the King was so convicted that he tore his clothes in grief. The point of the story is to remember what God has done for you. Jesus was fed by, lived by, depended on the Word of His Father for survival (physical, spiritual, psychological etc.) and it was all He needed. God's word should have the power now on you today that it had on Josiah then. (2 Timothy 3:14-16)