After Jesus rose from the dead, and He he visited His disciples a few times, Jesus challenged Peter three times with one question. Jesus asked Peter, "do you love me?" Now, there are separate Greek words used to characterize the word Love in the English. Jesus asked "Do you [Agape] me?" which is love in a sacrificial way. Or, "do you [Phileo] me?", which is essentially "do you just love me as a buddy?" Peter saw the ugliness in people all the time, and he positioned his approach to people to confront them. Jesus was well aware of Peter's feelings towards people. That said, Jesus challenged Peter to live out his love for Him by loving, or showing love towards people. What does it mean to love like Jesus did? What did His love consist of? How do you fare in light of this examination? Are you just a professor of this truth, or are you a possessor of this truth? This message will hold a high powered magnifying glass to that question.