In 2024, LFCC's Kingdom Warriors Ministry hosted their annual "Moment of Truth" event. This is a special seminar with two special guest speakers, speaking on the theme of Transformational Truth. What power does the truth unlock when you are trusting in the truth that God lays out for you? Our second guest speaker, evangelist Jay Peters, speaks on the essential need to awaken God’s people. In ancient times, wicked Kings ruled and dominated longer than the righteous ones. During the reign of King Ahab, God rose up a righteous man by the name of Elijah to speak righteousness against the current of wickedness, idolatry and its detestable practices, and awaken God’s people. That did not come easy. In this message, Jay Peters makes the parallel between Elijah, Jesus Christ, and the task that every true believer has in taking on and confronting the wicked culture of our current day. And in this confrontation, transformation by the truth of God’s Word, and the power of the Holy Spirit, will begin to take shape and have a growing impact in your life and in our culture.